“It’s Better to Sweat than to Die:” Rural-to-Urban Migration, Northern Karamoja, Uganda

rural-urban migration

Much of the literature on urbanization focuses on migration to large cities. In contrast, this report traces the process, challenges, and opportunities of rural-urban migration to towns and small cities in northern Karamoja, namely Abim, Kaabong and Kotido. The research aimed to better understand how and why men and women moved to the urban areas and to document their livelihood strategies and aspirations after migration. The findings highlight the increasing importance of urban centers in household livelihood diversification in the region, but also show that maintaining ties to rural areas is a key strategy for migrants. Strong rural-urban ties enabled respondents and their rural household members or relatives to balance risk and effectively manage assets. Those respondents who lacked rural ties were the most vulnerable members of the study population. These were overwhelmingly widowed or abandoned women. The report ends with recommendations for national and international actors working in the Karamoja region.






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This primer on pastoralism in Africa provides basic information on the core aspects of pastoralism as a livelihood and production system.

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Cette brève introduction au pastoralisme en Afrique donne des informations élémentaires sur les principaux aspects du pastoralisme en tant que moyen d’existence et système de production.

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This briefing describes the key elements and issues associated with conflict in pastoralist areas across sub-Saharan Africa.

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Ce document d’information décrit les éléments clés et les enjeux associés aux conflits dans les zones pastorales d’Afrique subsaharienne.

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This briefing paper summarizes some of the nuances that exist and the shifts that are occurring within gender dynamics in pastoralist livelihood systems in Africa.

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Cette note d’information résume certaines des nuances qui existent et les changements qui se produisent actuellement dans la dynamique du genre dans les systèmes de subsistance pastoraux en Afrique.

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