The impact of mental health and psychosocial support programs for populations affected by humanitarian emergencies: A systematic review protocol

mental health support

This protocol details the methodology for an evidence synthesis on psychosocial and mental health support in humanitarian crises. The evidence synthesis asks “What are the effects of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) interventions delivered to populations affected by humanitarian emergencies? What are the barriers and facilitators of implementing and receiving these MHPSS interventions?”

Please check back in the summer and fall of 2016 for results of the full review of the evidence.

This protocol is part of the Humanitarian Evidence Program, a DFID-funded partnership between Oxfam and the Feinstein International Center.






Report cover thumbnail

This report provides insights and perspectives from participatory workshops with displaced female youth in the Kurdistan region of the Republic of Iraq (KRI).

Cover of Report "Sex, age (and more) still matter"

This report reviews progress, outlines barriers to further progress, and makes recommendations to advance gender equality in the humanitarian system.

Thumbnail of Famine Prevention Report Cover

This study reviews what we have learned regarding policies and interventions to prevent famine, and how these can be scaled up more rapidly.

cover of report about disaster risk financing in Lesotho

This brief examines Lesotho, a small country in southern Africa that is highly vulnerable to climate hazards, is equipped to make use of DRF.

Cover of Research Report

Very little is known about the experiences of female youth who marry under 18 and later become separated, divorced, or widowed. This briefing paper underscores the unique vulnerabilities and challenges that these youth face in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and South Sudan.

Cover of report on MHPSS and child marriage

This briefing paper outlines the situation of displaced female youth—unmarried, married, divorced, widowed—from a mental health and psychosocial functioning (MHPSS) lens.

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