This brief examines the Cadre Harmonisé in Nigeria to better understand the technical and political constrains to analyzing famines and extreme emergencies.

This report examines the Cadre Harmonisé in Nigeria to better understand the technical and political constrains to analyzing famines and extreme emergencies.

The humanitarian community has technical definitions of famine and food security or nutrition emergencies: the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC). The classification requires good quality and coverage of food…

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This study seeks to understand the availability and quality of information, and the external influences on data collection and analysis for the classification of food emergencies.

This project reconsiders our understanding of famines, the dynamics that give rise to famines, the resilience of populations subjected to these dynamics, and the means of prevention at the disposal of governments, humanitarian agencies, donors, and the affected populations.

The Feinstein International Center and FAO have co-produced a Food and Nutrition Bulletin Supplement, based on an adapted conceptual framework for analyzing and addressing acute malnutrition in Africa’s drylands. More than 30 authors have produced 9 research articles and 2 short research communications.

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