Evidence Webinar: What’s the state of the humanitarian evidence?

Thursday, October 26, 2017 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM EDT

In the closing webinar of the series, join Karol Czuba and Tyler O’Neill (University of Toronto – pastoralist livelihood review authors) and Alice Obrecht (ALNAP) as they discuss their experiences of humanitarian evidence accessibility, quality and gaps. Gregory Gottlieb (Director, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University) will chair, helping us to unpack the evidence generated by the Humanitarian Evidence Programme:

  • What does ‘evidence’ mean for humanitarian research, policy and practice?
  • Whose voices are missing from the program’s own syntheses and the evidence base at large?
  • How and where do we find evidence?
  • How might we use it to improve the design, implementation, management, funding, quality and impact of humanitarian programming?
  • What are the common ‘gap findings’ running through the program’s systematic reviews?
  • What can researchers, policymakers and practitioners – from funders through to program officers, responders, and evaluators – do to improve the (shared?) evidence base?

Register here.

You can send us specific questions of your own when you register for the event (see final question on the registration form below) or on the day via the webinar chat function. You can also join the #HumanitarianEvidence conversation on Twitter. The webinar will be recorded and available at a later date, alongside other program outputs (including evidence briefs and guides) here

The Humanitarian Evidence Programme is a partnership between Oxfam GB and the Feinstein International Center. It is funded by the United Kingdom (UK) government’s Department for International Development (DFID) through the Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme. Views and opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of Oxfam, Tufts, or the UK government.